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» English journal blog
» Featuring : Shinee (SM Ent.)
» Blogger : Hui Yi


Chong Hui Yi
index no.5






official shinee website




Layout » Chazzie
Images » AsianFanatics
Host » Blogger


Judging from the picture, this is a scene of a group of committed adults, who are filled with resolution as they work together to clean up the place of what seem like a food centre, due to the backdrop of the neatly arranged round tables and fixated chairs, tht was set against the picture. The group of adults are apparently going to give in their every effort to make the food centre sparkling clean once agin like it was a newly renovated centre in this cloudless afternoon.

The group of adults could be cleaning the food centre up so as to attract more customers in, or maybe to get the place to be cleaner when the Ministry of Health comes to check on them, as the place would have looked unpleasant and uninviting on a normal day. Looking at the objects on each of their hands and everyone's solemn look, each of them is busily doing what they are tasked to accomplish.

To the far right of the picture is a woman clad in a tank top and jeans, as she holds the long end of the rubber hose while water sprays out of it to the area that she is aiming at. While her attire appears to be unflattering at first glance, it is probably apt for what they are doing. Her black rubber boots with flat soles that reaches up to her knees are also worn to prevent herself from slipping on the slippery wet tiled floor, as well as to facilitate free movement. The woman's stern looking face shows that she is really serious of what she was tasked to do, with her eyes fixed at a spot on the round table which could have been dirtied before she sprays the water towards it. As droplets of water lands on the round table, it bounces off to the wall due to the high pressure from the hose while some water droplets drips onto the fixated chair.

Dressed in a polo t-shirt and pants, a middle-aged man that appears to be rotund holds a broom while he bends to position himself to brush the floor, in the far left of the picture. His hair neatly combed back and holding it there will gel, it prevents strands of it from getting onto his face and blocking his vision. The man evokes a sense of determination as he holds the end of the broom and uses his strength to push it forward, taking advantage of the water to make the job easier and getting rid of any visible signs of dirt. The people behind him play an equally pivotal role in the cleaning as they brush the floor of the food centre sparkling clean.

A group of women, one in particular that is clad in a polo shirt as well, with a logo at the back, has a pair of rubber gloves worn on her hands as she holds a bucket that has a cloth wrapped around the handle. The bucket might be filled with water as the weight causes it to tilt to the side. The woman has another bottle of water on her other hand that allows her to wet the wall by spraying, as she look at the others whom are busily scrubbing the wall that may once used to be dirty. This group of women are taking their assigned task seriously, cleaning every part of the beautifully engraved wall which minute details would add on to the attractiveness of the food centre.

In the background, the other stall tenders watch by the side as this group of adults work together to give the food centre a new look through the cleaning, under the shelter from the glimmering rays of the radiant afternoon sun. Despite the fatigue that can be seen on some of the faces, they still do their best with an effort to accomplish this not easy task.


1) From the room where i sleep and do my homework in, it can clearly be seen that i am not that of an organised person. Pieces of paper can sometimes be seen strewn all over my table, not neatly packed together. However, i do try to keep my room neat for my mother is a person who dislikes untidiness. The sight of paper not being organised would send her fuming in anger. Hence, I would do my best in keeping the area as tidy as it can be so as to lessen the possibility of causing her to be angry. Allowing myself to keep my study table tidy and organised can be a chore at times but it is not much of a disadvantage too. It would let me find my homework and already accomplished documents where I have neatly organised it in, instead of needing to spend a lot of time flipping through the messy pile of papers and coming to the worse that i have lost it. Thus, being tidy and organised should not be taken as a difficult task at all. One way where my mother have thought me to keep my area tidy without papers all over my table is to file up those documents in folders and keeping them in shelves. Adding on to being tidy, my mother have also taught me to always keep my room clean by sweeping the floor twice a day and throwing away the rubbish instead of leaving it there. Maintaing a clean and tidy house would let us retire to bed from a day of fatigue in a relax way too for we would not have to worry much about the surrounding.

2) Hygiene is a very important subject that we must take good note of for if without good hygiene, problems might arise. For example, having the possibility of food poisoning when we do not wash our hands before handling our food, or not cleaning the plates first before placing our food on it. That could cause us to bear untolerable consequences, from the suffering of a spoilt stomach to the medical fees that needs to be paid if the situation becomes worse. Good hygiene is also important for germs would enter and hurt our body if we were unhygienic. This would weaken our immune system and other harmful bacteria would then attack our weak body. However, good hygiene can sometimes be difficult to manage especially in a crowded place or in public. We would not have any idea if anyone were to have carried any germs and have sat on the seat before us. Crowded places would also be filled with many people and it is difficult to identify each and everyone of them to note if they could cause us to be sick due to their unhygiene. Thus, it is each of our effort to have good hygiene at all times and keep ourselves safe. Having good hygienic habits would let us benefit but being too hygienic would be a problem too. Some people due to being too hygienic end up having to avoid crowded places and the worse was the fear to shake hands with others, afraid that there might be the slightest trace of germs. As a result, they become too hygienic that just the presence of a little bacteria would let them be so frightened. Hence, good hygiene should be adopted but not going too overboard.


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